• +91-9820603829
  • contact@cajignesh.co.in

CA Jignesh A Shah (FCA)

Jignesh Shah, the founder partner of the Firm qualified as CA in 2006.

Jignesh Shah, the founder partner of the Firm qualified as CA in 2006. He has been and will continue to be the guiding light for the Firm for the years ahead. His professional career personifies the quality orientation that the team has aspired for and has modeled its service delivery process on.

Companies from diverse industries including Banking, Insurance, Investment, Finance, Media and Publications, Newspaper Publishers, Textiles and Gems & Jewellery have benefited from consulting him in matters involving Strategies, Taxes and General Business Practices. He specializes in tax planning for investment portfolio, advising on the tax incidence for various business structures and is also instrumental in conceptualizing as well as implementing complex business structures. He also continues to take personal responsibility for a number of firms long standing clients.

  • par-col +91 9820603829
  • par-msg contact@cajignesh.co.in
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